Gets the current event items.

Gets all event items in chronological order, IE oldest first.
If the feed contains lots of items the result will be paged by 50 items.

Once an item has been retrieved in the feed it can't be retrieved again.

eventTypeThe type of event trigger
dataIf the event is affecting the status of a deal or calling list target, the data objects shows the status change. Only available for deal and target events.
positionIncremented counter of events in feed
createdDateTime the event was triggered
coworkerCoworker triggering the event
dealRelated deal
organizationRelated organization
personRelated person
targetListRelated target list

Example of the objects

"deal": {
	"name": "Deal worth lots of money",
  "description": "Why the deal is worth lots of money",
	"probability": 100,  // 1-100%
	"value": 10000,
	"_links": {
		"self": {
			"href": ""
		"appUrl": {
			"href": ""
	"integrationId": null,
	"tags": [ ],
	"customFields": [ ],
	"status": "Initiated contact",
	"responsible": {
		"firstName": "Filip",
		"lastName": "Persson",
		"email": "",
		"directPhoneNumber": "",
		"homePhoneNumber": "",
		"mobilePhoneNumber": "",
		"_links": {
			"self": {
				"href": ""
			"appUrl": {
				"href": ""
		"integrationId": null,
		"tags": [ ]
"organization": {
	"sourceId": {
		"name": "pase",
		"id": "1:200931025"
	"name": "Lime Technologies AB",
	"organizationNumber": "5563970465",
	"email": "",
	"relation": "IsACustomer",
	"customFields": [ ],
	"_links": {
		"self": {
			"href": ""
		"appUrl": {
			"href": ""
	"integrationId": null,
	"tags": [
		"LIME Go"
	"responsible": {
		"firstName": "Filip",
		"lastName": "Persson",
		"email": "",
		"directPhoneNumber": "",
		"homePhoneNumber": "",
		"mobilePhoneNumber": "",
		"_links": {
			"self": {
				"href": ""
			"appUrl": {
				"href": ""
		"integrationId": null,
		"tags": [ ]
"coworker": {
	"firstName": "Filip",
    "lastName": "Persson",
    "email": "",
    "directPhoneNumber": "",
    "homePhoneNumber": "",
    "mobilePhoneNumber": "",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""
      "appUrl": {
        "href": ""
    "integrationId": null,
    "tags": [ ]
"targetList": {
  "name": "Quest 1",
  "description": "Lost and Found centers in El Segundo",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "appUrl": {
      "href": ""