Creates a subscription for the specified events. Lime Go will invoke your web hook when the event occurs.

The subscription request must include targeturl. The URL must be an absolute URL and should point to your web hook.

The list of events is a string array that contains the events that you are interested in. If this is an empty list all events will be sent to your web hook. The available events are:

OrganizationBeenInTouchInvoke the web hook when an organization's relation changed to "Been In Touch".
OrganizationHasNoRelationInvoke the web hook when an organization's relation changed to "No Relation".
OrganizationIsACustomerInvoke the web hook when an organization's relation changed to "Is A Customer".
OrganizationWasACustomerInvoke the web hook when an organization's relation changed to "Was A Customer".
OrganizationWorkingOnItInvoke the web hook when an organization's relation changed to "Working On It".
DealWonInvoke the web hook when a deal is won.
DealLostInvoke the web hook when a deal is lost.
DealStatusChangeInvoke the web hook when a deal's status change.
CallPositiveInvoke the web hook when a call with a positive outcome is made on a calling list.
CallNegativeInvoke the web hook when a call with a negative outcome is made on a calling list.
MeetingBookedInvoke the web hook when a meeting is booked.
MeetingReportedInvoke the web hook when a meeting is reported.
MeetingCancelledInvoke the web hook when a meeting is cancelled.

If the request is successful the id of the new subscription will be returned. This id should be used if you want to unsubscribe.

Returns 400 (Bad Request) if the targeturl is invalid.
